Abigail is the music artist. She is gifted in communicating what's on her heart in a creative way. She can express herself in a song and in her writing. She amazes me and I love to listen to her music. I am praying for her this year that God would once again provide a miracle like He did last year so she can get her next 17 songs recorded professionally. I know that He can and He will if He wants to share her gifts with others. I know that someone in India has heard her music and commented on it! That's amazing!
Anneliese is my right hand in the home. If I miss something, she catches it. She keeps her siblings accountable for their actions and keeps us moving along on schedules whenever necessary. She is interested in working with children and is involved in a ministry with young refugees and a camp for children. You can be sure that if you give her a job, she will find out how to do it the best way she can, even if it requires studying books on the subject. Anneliese is artistic in drawing and her observations of life. That makes her a great cartoonist.
Ashley is an artist of photography. She loves taking pictures and finding beauty in nature. She was nearly deaf for the first several years of her life and although it didn't affect her speach, she is able to read lips and she is very observant - taking in so much information with her eyes because she relied on them more than on her hearing. She gets annoyed by noises that are a part of our everyday life such a water running and the computer fan.
This is a short introduction to 3 of my 7 gifts from heaven!